Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Won't go quietly ,

You'll never hear me mention/blog about twenty may anymore . _l_

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Dad's in school now with Auntie Julia to have a talk with the principle regarding my failures for the MYE . FML ! ):

Monday, May 24, 2010

Falling down ,

Home leave was sucky this week . ): Only got to go out @ 4 , had to scrub the blerdy drain . Met huimin and tzehui at hougang , slackedslacked&slacked even more . Met that blob of butter , hahahaha . So sad , didn't get to meet that measure of yoghurt . ): LOL . I don't feel like blogging right now , in a bad bad mood . Rtjh , ): ): ): ): . Sigh .

Twentymay , ):

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hmmm , seems like iPhone can't upload pictures to blogger . Anyway , I just wanna say a big thank you to all those who wished me happy birthday ! :) Brenda bought me a hello kitty cake , so sweet of her . Thanks loads darling ! You've just fulfilled my childhood wish , hah . Tomorrow's gonna be twenty may . I wonder if you still do remember . I'm praying hard that you do , but I'm not wishing for anything else . Thanks for today . And there's one thing I've got to tell you , islamy .

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rtjh ,

Patricia's spastic face.

Uh , as you can conclude from the above title , this blog post shall be for you . You might never believe what i'm about to say .

Well , it goes like this ...
My dear brother , i'm super duper sorry . But remember what you said ? That you will respect my decision if i ever decide to go back to being brother and sister ? Then you must be thinking , i've been lying to you all these while . Everything i said was a lie . BUT ITS NOT . I honestly meant every word i said . Its just so that i do not wish to drag things on this way , knowing that nothing good will come out of it . Like you said , it will be taking you a real long time to place your trust into another relationship . I understand why you feel this way , so i thought this would be the best for us . I don't wish to lose a one year plus friendship just because of a failed one week plus relationship . Its not worth it & like how i've mentioned a million times , i can't afford to lose you . I told myself from the start , i'll never put in any feelings into us . But seems like i did . Or maybe we did . Still , i love you plenty . Its the same as what you said , be it sister or girlfriend , I'll still be loving you . Lastly , it doesn't matter how long or much longer the love will continue , but how deep it has been while it lasted .
I love you ♥

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Now , i should be thinking it over .

My school girl image , forever that angelic look. <:

Its twenty more days to Twenty May .
Would you still remember this day ?