Sunday, June 27, 2010

No Other One ,

Long ago .
Okeh , back after two weeks . Didn't manage to go home for two weeks , know why ? CUZ MY PARENTS WENT JAPAN . 4 days of home leave just gone like that , cocksters . Went haiji lane with jocelyn yesterday , hohoho . Managed to get a dress , oh well . Then chompchomp for dinner with sheena , soowee and co . Cockles , HAHAHA .
Vegetarian buffet today , not bad . Never knew a chicken that's made of flour could taste so good .
Heading back soon , bye bye world . >:

Saturday, June 5, 2010

If it's love ,

All i ever wanted ,
all i ever wanted ,
was a simple way to get over you .
3 days MC , 5 days home leave .
But for the first time , i've gotta say , home leave sucks .