Sunday, July 4, 2010


Serangoon garden last week.

& these pictures were taken long ago , when i went haiji lane with tzehui .

Girl , i never expected you to be like this .
Have not been able to make full use of my homeleave this week. Been visiting grandma at the hospital. She had a bad fall, but she's strong! 97yearsold and still counting. Love her determination! Heading down to many places tomorrow, heh. I wonder if i'm able to wake up in time, hmm. Alright, i'm super lazy to post. Can't find any interesting things to post about anyway. Monday to Friday: School then back to gh. Weekends: Homeleave then back to gh again. It's going to be my grading this month! Hope everything goes well, i really need those points. ): Been through two gradings already and it's still 133. Terrible! Oh well, this third grading also marks my 9th month in gracehaven. How times fly. Wished it could be october 2011 now & I'M FREE!
Haha, that's all. ^^