Monday, January 31, 2011

If you fall hard, i fall harder.

I wanna let it all go for a night, free of worries, troubles and those whatsoever. I wish i didn't have to bother about anything, spare a thought for others, worry about what's gonna come next, thinking about my survival, remembering about all my regrets and all the stupid mistakes i've made. I wanna forget about everything, literally everything even if it's just for a night. I wanna laugh my best laughter, dance all night long, have connections that last only for a night. I wanna hear the music blast, blasting out my fears. I wanna feel free, and not tied down to anyone or anything for that matter. I wanna forget my status, who i am, or who i'm suppose to be. Get lost and lose myself in a party, get drunk and get wasted. And never have to face the consequences the next day.

All for just a night.