Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Honey be my sweet spot ,

Slept rather early yesterday . 3am fall asleep like a pig already . Was texting Shawn & Ray half way , hoho . I'm so sorry eh ! I know i'll be forgiven anyway ^.^ Totally broke nowadays , keep spending it away on things that i don't really need . But spending on food will always be worth it , imma food lover ! Fuck blogger , it has been having problems . I can't upload my pictures , rah . ): && i've been having mosquito bites . I suspect there is a mosquito lurking somewhere in my roooom . Kill it asap someone ! Okeh , randomsxz . Rofl . Going out to meet yoghurt for tawhuay soon , burbye .


  1. Sleep late some more luh,hurhur! Later eyebags get worse. HAHA. Takecare luh, :3.

  2. Rah , even if i've the worse eyebags on earth , will melissa still luv me ? I know she will , muhahah . Yeah , you take care too ! ^^v

  3. Of course lurrrrr, but will heartpain! HAHAH!
