Sunday, January 17, 2010

Have you ever ,

Sometimes , its wrong to walk away .
Though you think its over , there's so much more to say .

Have you ever loved and lost somebody , wishing that there was a chance to say i'm sorry . Can't you see , thats the way i feel about you and me . Have you ever felt like your heart's breaking , looking down the road that we should've been taking . Now i finally realised , it was forever that i found . I'll give my all to change the way the world goes round .

Even though the moment's gone , i'm still holding on somehow .

Its been quite awhile since i last posted , won't be posting that often anymore too . Kay , gotta head back to gh soon , byesxz .

threeletterstothatthreeletters .

Saturday .
Omgosh , this computer sucks i swear . The internet's fine , but what's wrong with the freaking internet explorer , damn it . Homeleave till tomorrow , 6pm . Just came back from camp the day before , damn tired . Homework's all piled up , i don't like . ): Gotta rush them when i head back tomorrow . I certainly can wait for school . Oh well , guess this is all . Hope the net's gonna be fine soon . Tough luck , ]: .

Oh and Patricia , if you are ever reading this , please try and contact me soon yeah . Cos i can't find your number . Burbyesxz .

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