Thursday, September 3, 2009

All ways or always ?

6 in the morning , i'm bright awake , rofl . Can't get to sleep , a terrible headache woke me up . Kept waking up , so i decided to wake up for good . :X Went down to find kpy yesterday . Then headed down to amk to slack with edmund , mr.shrek . Haha , nope , he ain't fat and green . I wonder if i should get some sleep . But i'm heading down to tampines in an hour or so . ): Nevermind , shall catch a lil nap on the terribly long bus ride down . I've got my snow white dog to accompany me now anyway ! :D Haha . Wow , dad's up already , i'm surprised . I hate that bitch . Kindly keep your comments to yourself , (: I'm only giving your boyfriend face , not you . So what if you know tq longer ? It wasn't even the time frame that mattered . Please , have a good look at yourself before you comment on others . & it doesn't matter what me and tq are . Thats our own love story . You've got your own , so stick to being 'cinderella' in your own story . Nosey ass , fuck ni mama .

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