Monday, September 21, 2009

goodbye is a second chance .

Life is !#$%^&* , but at least i'm growing up . :D Worked for a day at expo yesterday . I officially declare that the sales assistants working for hush puppies are hot stuff , rofl . Best , directly opposite me ! ^.^

Fuck , i made so many sacrifices already , all for you . Then i think again , am i going give up , just for you ? I want to see you happy , but i think its time to care about my own happiness as well . I wonder , maybe this time its real , maybe something would come out from it and i'm giving it up , for you . They say there are many out there . But what if i only feel that way towards that very one ? It happened to me once , i don't wish for it to happen again .
Btw Tq , if you're reading this , its not for you , don't mistaken .
You're not my l.o.v.e , he is . Harsh , but true . All these while , you were the one for me . The only one that i ever want . Cheesy fuck .

Oh , my love . Then again , what are you to me ? Nothing .

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