Friday, September 4, 2009

Insomnia ,

I love that boy with a pretty face .
I love that boy who is only half a head taller than me but claims he's very tall .
I love that boy whom i watched where got ghost with .
I love that boy who always covers his face when it comes to photo-taking .
I love that boy who calls me lady gaga .
I love that boy who always wears shorts to school . ( suppose to wear long pants . )
I love that boy with super long eyelashes .
I love that boy with dimples .
I love that boy who just had his hair cut .
I love that boy who never fails to give me the warmest hugs ever .
I love that boy who loves to squeeze my hands till they hurt .
I love that boy who's a lil gay at times .
I love that boy who loves me too .
I love TQ .

It grew from a simple crush .

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