Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What about me?

Best picture effect.

Forever my favourite picture, always.

You can't do this to me, you can't do this to us. There's so many people who care so damn much for you and you do know that. You can't just leave like this, you're disappointing so many. If you do, who is gonna be there for me whenever i just need some help? Who is gonna be there for me to kpkb with whenever i'm feeling moody? This can't be happening, i would not allow it. Others say it's fate, i say it's based on your willpower. You can't be that weak, where's the stubborn character i've always known? The one who never says never. Even she is genuinely concerned about you, how can you not wake up? Fuck, really. I mother fucking miss you.


  1. Hey! Cheer up alright? I'm so shocked to see you today, <3 you lots! (:

  2. Thanks! I was also very shocked to see you, we should meet up soon. <3

  3. How are you doing? :) school's starting soon and exams are coming! :( sianzxc

  4. Hmmm, still alive and kicking, haha. When are exams? (:
