Saturday, August 8, 2009

I dial your digits on my phone ,

Went back angmokio to find shuhui , she remembered ! :D Saw quite a handful of people , Wenting , QianYi , Melissa ++ . I miss you guys truckloads . Went mac with shuhui , she wanted her shaker fries , shakeshake . Then bumped into xueting in mac's toilet , rofl . Had a short chat , went food court , osh bought her teriyaki chicken . Then went down to have beancurd , we are big eaters . By then , she had to go off for tuition and while i waited for sister to come down hub , i bumped into vannyssa ! :D Accompanied her for her desert and she took the same bus as me & sista to bugis . Sadly , she alighted earlier . Oh well , ONGSHUHUI , next thursday , same date with me ! You're booked . Went sisha with lemon and his friends . Apparently it was his friends birthday . Headed down to clarke quay for a little while before heading home . The end .

07/08/09 ( Today )
Went down redhill to find lemon with sister. Stopped at the wrong stop , z . Slacked , had shaker fries , went home . Okay , i know it sounds as though we only went there for awhile but no , i decided to summarised the whole thing . Going to do flyers for yoghurt tomorrow , gotta wake up early . ): At least murphy's helping me ! Thank you so damn much , i owe you one ! ^^v Yoghurtyyoghurt , you better be grateful you mamamofo . Rofl . Then heading down perhaps to pioneer mall to find sister , her boy , & maybe i'll get to see darrius . (: Next destination would be ion at orchard . Vanessa Wong's birthday i suppose . I wonder how will my Sunday be spent , the plans are rather messy now . Too many plans , ): Oh well , sometimes i do wonder . Don Juan of the 21st century , \m/ . Gimme my comments & i'll luvdieyou ! Hehe . Nights !

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